Jayson traces the history of Mariology: (1) the proclamation of Mary as Theotokos, in 431, at the Council of Ephesus; (2) Mary’s Perpetual Virginity – before, during and after the birth of Christ – defined by Pope St. Martin I, in 649, at the Lateran Synod; (3) the papal definition of Mary’s Immaculate Conception, in 1854, by Pope Pius IX, in his document, Ineffabilis Deus; (4) Pope Pius XII’s dogmatic definition of Mary’s Assumption, body and soul, into the glory of heaven, in 1950.

This progressive unfolding of the truths concerning Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, have paved the way for the recognition of a fifth and final Marian dogma as Spiritual Mother of Humanity, and this through her three-fold mission as Co-Redemptrix with (but in no way equal to) Jesus, Mediatrix of all graces (clearly, Christ is the “sole Mediator between the Father and humanity, yet, Mary is our Mediatrix with Christ, her Son) and Advocate (if Christ is the “Head” and we are the “Body,” then Mary is the “Neck” – that is, all the graces and gifts that come to us from God pass from the Head to the Body through the Neck of Mary’s Maternal Mediation, and that same good Mother collects all of our intentions and presents them to God on our behalf.

This explanation of Mary’s Spiritual Motherhood of all humanity, expressed specifically in her three-fold function as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate serves as the firm theological foundation for the tremendously efficacious and salutary devotion of Total Consecration to her Immaculate Heart.  Jayson could turn to any number of great saints who lived according to this marvelous spirituality of total consecration, entrustment, offering or oblation to Mary, yet, St. Louis-Marie De Montfort and St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe both stand out as great champions of Marian Consecration.


 Jayson Brunelle

Jayson Brunelle

Host of "The Glories of Mary"

​Jayson has a very deep love for Our Lady and will be taking a solemn Vow of Total Consecration to Mary, as an aspiring member of the Missionaries of the Immaculate Mediatrix of the Third Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, located on the grounds of Our Lady of Guadalupe Friary in Griswold, CT.  Thus, using contemporary means of communication to proclaim the glories of Mary, who is always a means to the end of a far greater end ever-more-perfect devotion to Our Lord, would be very much in keeping with my Seraphic and Marian vocation. See here for the articles Jayson has written for Homiletics & Pastoral Review.

Keith Berube

Keith Berube

Co-Host of "The Glories of Mary"

Keith Berube, MA, is a Mariologist and the author of the books Mary, the Beloved, Mary: The Rosary, the Relationship, and Dragons, and A Love Letter to Mary. He is the founder of the private association of the Catholic faithful “Consolatio Mariae.” His articles have been published in Homiletic and Pastoral Review and in Father Donald Calloway’s annual Marian journal Mater Misericordiae (Volume 4). He has been a guest on EWTN with Jim and Joy Pinto and has been interviewed on WCAT Radio, St. Gabriel Radio, and Tumblar House. Mr. Berube is currently working toward a PhD in Systematic Theology specializing in Mariology and teaches at Queen of Heaven Academy. He and his wife and their five children live in Columbus, Ohio, with entirely too many cats, copious cups of coffee and not quite enough bacon. He spends his spare time, which consists of about two and a half minutes on some Sundays, lazily taking naps.


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