School for Domestic Evangelization

We have developed a course that allows for a complete contextual (history, Jewish tradition, exegetical insights of the church fathers, & lectio divina inspiration) understanding of Jesus, His life, teachings, and discipleship calling to put into practice. It is designed to be completed one video section of the Bible, Books of John, together with the text books, piece by piece. At one chapter a week, with 50 chapters and over 125 videos on the expanded chapters one can complete these in a self-paced fashion. Some may wish to focus on the Gospel of John, others Letter, others Revelation and for intense preparation for Christian implementation, the entire course.
Please enroll by clicking on the Enrollment button. Enrollment is free. But you must purchase the books as part of this process.
After you complete one volume, please email us back for a free personal 45 min. session with the author or one of our other theologians, where you will be able to ask whatever questions you have.